Essays on Hyman Bloom
Hyman Bloom: The Attainment of a State of Being
by Hyman Swetzoff, 1948
Hyman Bloom Paints a Picture
by Elaine de Kooning, 1950
Career to Date of a Major Modern Painter
by Sydney J. Freedberg, 1954
Hyman Bloom Retrospective
by Frederick S. Wight, 1954
The Eye of Man (Excerpt)
by Selden Rodman, 1955
Drawings by Hyman Bloom – Introduction
by Bernice Davidson, 1957
4 Boston Masters
by Aline Saarinen & John McAndrew, 1959
Hyman Bloom Profile –
by Brian O’Doherty, 1961
Eight Drawings by Hyman Bloom –
by Hyman Swetzoff, 1962
The Drawings of Hyman Bloom (U. of CT) –
by Marvin Sadik, (1968)
Painter and Moralist
by Alfred Werner, 1968
Hyman Bloom: Contemplation of Eternal Things by Alfred Werner, 1975
Alternative Space: Hyman Bloom by Lois Tarlow (Art New England), 1983
Hyman Bloom Paintings by Dorothy Thompson (St. Botolph), 1989
Hyman Bloom: Paintings & Drawings by Holland Cotter (UNH exhibition), 1992
The Spirits of Hyman Bloom by Dorothy Thompson (excerpt), 1996
Hyman Bloom – The Lubec Drawings by Philip M. Isaacson, 2001
Expressionism: Boston’s Claim to Fame by Nicholas Capasso, 2002
Color and Ecstasy in the Art of Hyman Bloom by Isabelle Dervaux, 2002
The Drawings of Hyman Bloom by Sigmund Abeles (Nat’l Academy of Design), 2002
Hyman Bloom: A Spiritual Embrace by Katherine French (Danforth Art), 2006
99 years – In Memoriam: Hyman Bloom by Brian Q. Silver, 2012
Hyman Bloom in Lubec by Robert Alimi, 2016
Hulling The Heart by Lori Anne Parker-Danley, 2016
The Francis Bacon / Hyman Bloom Exhibition by Robert Alimi, 2018
Hyman Bloom’s Mystical Spirituality Boston MFA presentation by Marcia Brennan, 2020
Hyman Bloom: A Survey of Works on Paper by Robert Alimi, 2024