Memoir Published by Jean Gibran

love-made-visibleAvailable 07/03/2014:   Love Made Visible: Scenes from a Mostly Happy Marriage by Jean Gibran.

From the Amazon blurb:

“The memoir traces the roots of Boston expressionism–an often unrecognized movement that, for a while, made art page headlines until eclipsed by flashier abstract expressionists. Revealing a fascinating art scene, it recalls a time of WPA-supported artists and explores mid-twentieth century Provincetown when Forum 49 introduced the world to artists soon to become international treasures. Full of memories of social and cultural change in Boston’s colorful South End and exploring how a widow deals with bereavement, Love Made Visible tells about surviving the burden and the blessing of sharing the name with an international figure. Jean Gibran’s vignettes of inimitable characters have a life of their own. Many are long forgotten or were never known. Some, like the painter Hyman Bloom or the poet Cecil Hemley, receive renewed and intimate appreciation; and others, like the so-called “outsider” artist Morton Bartlett and the Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim, have only recently gained notice.”