In 2015, a project was started to document Hyman Bloom’s body of work.  As of  February 2024,  2,289 works have been cataloged — 297 oils & 1,992 works on paper.  Bloom works from 156 exhibitions/publications are documented, including 27 solo exhibitions, 83 group exhibitions and 46 assorted art-related publications.

It is hoped that publication of the catalogue data can take place at some point in the not-too-distant future, most likely in an online format. 


There are a half-dozen Bloom paintings from the 1940s and 1950s that are now missing.  Additionally, about 30 major drawings from the 1950s and 1960s are currently not located.  Some of these paintings and drawings were exhibited shortly after their creation, but have not been seen in 60+ years, including these pictures:


Pompeian Glass (1948), 24 x 32", Gouache
Landscape #18 (1964), charcoal, 71 x 104"
Landscape #16 (1964), Charcoal, 60 x 48 in.
Chandelier (1940), 72 x 36", oil on canvas
Upper and Lower Atmosphere (1969), 59 x 44", charcoal
Rabbi (1948), 30 x 25", oil on canvas
Beggar (1956) 24x18", white ink on dark toned paper
figure, (ca. 1956), size unknown, white ink on dark toned paper
The Cure (1968), 61 x 43", charcoal
On the Astral Plane: Beelzebub (1966), 64 x 36", charcoal
Landscape #11 (1963), Charcoal, 68 x 45 in.
Conquest (1953), 43 x 64", oil on canvas


Please send us email if you have any information on these pictures or any works that you feel are potentially missing works by Hyman Bloom.